Centerpieces and Plates
Launch year: 2024
Material: Natural wood veneer and Marine plywood
Dimensions: 116 X 47,6 x h8,4 cm / 130 x 53,4 x h8,4 cm / 150 x 61,5 x h8,4 cm
Over millions of years, in the region known as Chapada Diamantina, an ancient sedimentary basin, successive layers of rocks overlapped and recorded the passage of time. The constant weathering caused instability and disturbances in this previously settled mass – fissures, cracks, and crevices emerged, creating space for water and wind to infiltrate.
In a continuous and persistent progression, the heart of this conglomerate is revealed. Amidst fragility and collapse, new forms and life emerge, transforming the essence of what is exposed.
Inspired by the authenticity and elegance of this process, Jacqueline Terpins approaches her relationship with wood in an unprecedented way.
The Diamantina Coffee Table is composed of laminated marine plywood panels, whose moving edges reveal their inner formation. Just as in erosion processes, where rocks embrace instability and empirically achieve balance, these panels stack misaligned in an organic arrangement.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Natural wood veneer
Dimensions: 900 x 48,5 x h6 cm / 120 x 64,8 x h6 cm / 150 x 81 x h6 cm
The geological formation of Cachoeira da Fumaça (Fumaça Waterfall) in the Chapada Diamantina region is directly linked to erosion caused by the waters of the Paraguaçu River. Over millions of years, this water has slowly carved the rocky bed, creating a deep and narrow canyon.
With a free fall of 340 meters, the flowing water bathes layers of quartzites, sandstones, and phyllites that have vertically settled over time. These rocks, polished by the water’s passage, together form the imposing wall that gives the Fumaça its unique identity.
As for the Diamantina centerpiece, it is composed of sheets with a natural wood veneer finish. Its organic and distinctive designs create overlapping layers, resulting in varying volumes and compositions that play with light and shadow.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Madeira folha natural
Dimensions: 90 X 37 x h4,8 cm / 120 X 37 x h4,8 cm / 120 X 49,3 x h4,8 cm / 150 X 37 x h4,8 cm / 150 X 61,7 x h4,8 cm
Launch year: 2024
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: 40 x 30 x h14,5 cm
Under the influence of water, wind, and sun, erosion takes on the task of sculpting depressions and curves of various forms into the rock. The surface is what we see – a record of its history etched by time. However, within the rock lies an invisible interior, hidden from our eyes, yet it is part of this memory and will one day become the surface.
In a respectful gaze toward this concealed memory, Origem emerges from a movement contrary to that endured by stones: a breath within the incandescent crystal mass transforms matter into a skin that envelops the air shaping it, allowing it to be traversed by the gaze.
Origem opens itself to listen to what the rocks, silently, have to say.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: 39 x 16,5 x h17,5 cm
Quartzitos e arenitos de origem e tempos distintos se fundem num grande mosaico. A erosão se encarrega de esculpir depressões e curvas de diferentes ordens no conglomerado do Serrano.
Inspirada na paisagem característica do leito do rio Lençóis, na Chapada Diamantina, Jacqueline Terpins cria o vaso e o centro Serrano em cristal. Transgride os caminhos naturalmente indicados pela matéria em seu estado incandescente e conforma a peça com desvios de movimentos bruscos, provocando reentrâncias profundas por meio de ferramentas de aço. As intempéries sofridas e registradas pelas pedras ao longo do tempo são representadas pela técnica vidreira craquelê que percorre parte da superfície da peça.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Solid crystal
Dimensions: 34 x 23 x h7 cm
Over 1.5 billion years ago, in the region now known as Chapada Diamantina, fractures appeared in the Earth’s crust. From the fissures opened by sequences of erupting volcanoes, magma flowed. Gradually covered by the sea, these volcanoes became inactive and left behind the presence of basalt – an igneous rock formed by the rapid cooling of lava – as evidence of their existence.
In working with crystal, fire is the essential tool for the technique. The high temperature ensures the plasticity of the massive material, which has a great capacity to retain heat. Geo represents this malleable and incandescent volume that, with the intervention of a wooden tool, can flow naturally. The same material that flows in the heat records its movement over time through cooling.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Solid crystal
Dimensions: 28,5 x 10 x h16,5 cm
There are many reasons that make Chapada Diamantina an environment conducive to the discovery of fossils. Among them are its different rock formations, the biodiversity that inhabited the region in the past, and the many areas of sedimentary deposits.
Fossils are residual parts or traces of animals and plants preserved in rocks, providing evidence of their existence. Hidden records from the past await revelation.
Just as in the formation of fossils, precise physical and chemical conditions are also necessary for the creation of blown crystal.
The Fossil piece contains a breath of white opaline crystal inside, covered by successive layers of amber crystal. The internal volume remains a mystery, only hinted at through the external layers.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Solid Crystal
Dimensions: 32 x 29 x h9,5 cm
The Mucugezinho River, like other rivers in the Chapada Diamantina region, flows through the rocks, creating a great diversity of landscapes. The erosion caused by the constant flow of water is one of the factors responsible for the formation of natural pools and ponds along its course.
Composed of quartzites, sandstones, conglomerates, and other minerals, the bed of the Mucugezinho River features depressions of various shapes, scales, and depths. Similar to human footprints, the water leaves its mark wherever it passes.
Mucugê is a crystal mass that, at high temperatures, has its surface imprinted by a metallic tool. Compression leads to the overflow of volume, the redefinition of its margins, and the spontaneous accommodation of matter, which recognizes and integrates external interferences with its body.
Launch year: 2024
Material: Natural wood veneer
Dimensions: 900 x 48,5 x h6 cm / 120 x 64,8 x h6 cm / 150 x 81 x h6 cm
The geological formation of Cachoeira da Fumaça (Fumaça Waterfall) in the Chapada Diamantina region is directly linked to erosion caused by the waters of the Paraguaçu River. Over millions of years, this water has slowly carved the rocky bed, creating a deep and narrow canyon.
With a free fall of 340 meters, the flowing water bathes layers of quartzites, sandstones, and phyllites that have vertically settled over time. These rocks, polished by the water’s passage, together form the imposing wall that gives the Fumaça its unique identity.
As for the Diamantina centerpiece, it is composed of sheets with a natural wood veneer finish. Its organic and distinctive designs create overlapping layers, resulting in varying volumes and compositions that play with light and shadow.
Ui Wood Centerpiece
Launch year: 2023
Material: Solid wood
Dimensions: Ø70 x h6,8 cm
The Ui centerpiece transgresses the surface that supports it. The excavated solid wood defies the limits of the material, reaching very delicate thicknesses at its edges. The central element bothers and confuses as well as instigates and attracts the observer, while suggesting a drop in suspension.
Launch year: 2020
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: Ø29,5 x h28 cm
A large volume of blown crystal moves in a direction that transforms matter into a thin and rarefied volume.
The Igarapé center is inspired by the branches of the Rio Negro, which arise from the deep waters of this river and become shallow and capillary water courses that permeate the Amazon basin.
From Tupi, “ygara” (canoe) and "apé" (path), igarapé means “canoe path”. In its form that insinuates movement and points to a direction, the Igarapé center is born from the reflection that in this structure, the path of water is the path of man. Here, man and nature are one, following the same path.
Launch year: 2018
Material: Solid wood
Dimensions: Ø45 x h5 cm
The Ui centerpiece transgresses the surface that supports it. The excavated solid wood defies the limits of the material, reaching very delicate thicknesses at its edges. The central element bothers and confuses as well as instigates and attracts the observer, while suggesting a drop in suspension.
Launch year: 2002
Material: Corian
Dimensions: I - Ø70 x h7,8 cm / II - Ø54 x h6 cm
Launch year: 2017
Material: Corian
Dimensions: 90 x 45 x h9 cm
The Nervo centerpiece transgresses the surface that supports it. The central element bothers and confounds as it instigates and attracts the observer. The flexibility of the material is present, when released by the high temperature, while it remembers a nerve in a state of tension. These forces appear to be in opposition, suspension versus distension creating a curvature that hardly touches the surface that supports it.
Launch year: 2012
Material: Corian
Dimensions: I - 60 x 12,5 x h13 cm / II - 45 x 12 x h13 cm
Launch year: 2012
Material: Corian
Dimensions: I - 90 x 14,5 x h18 cm / II - 70 x 11 x h15 cm
Neve Centerpiece
Launch year: 2017
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: I - Ø45 x h25 cm / II - Ø30 x h20 cm
Launch year: 2015
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: I - Ø28 x h23cm / II - Ø26 x h20cm
Launch year: 2011
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: I - Ø50 x h19 cm / II - Ø41 x h11 cm
Launch year: 2013
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions:I - Ø36 x h29 cm / II - Ø31 x h25 cm / III - Ø26 x h20,5 cm / IV - Ø22 x h17 cm
Launch year: 2011
Material: Blown crystal
Dimensions: I - Ø36 x h29 cm / II - Ø31 x h24 cm / III - Ø26 x h20,5 cm / IV - Ø22 x h17 cm
Launch year: 2010
Material: Flat glass
Dimensions: Oval 90 x 41 x h3 cm | Square 50 x 50 x h3 cm